Coverage for tests/tests_pkg_one/ 71%
21 statements
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1import sys
3# def teardown_function(function):
4# """teardown any state that was previously setup with a setup_function call."""
5# print(f"Teardown_function {function.__name__}", file=sys.stderr)
9import pdb
10import json
11import os
12from _pytest.reports import TestReport
13import pytest
16# class SaveFailedTestsPlugin:
17# def __init__(self, config):
18# self.failed_tests = []
20# # @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True)
21# def pytest_runtest_teardown(self, item, nextitem):
22# # pdb.set_trace()
23# result = item._result # Access the result object
25# # Check if the test has failed
26# if result and result.when == "call" and result.failed:
27# test_info = {
28# "name":,
29# "location": item.location,
30# "parameters": item.keywords.get("fixturemanager").params
31# }
32# self.failed_tests.append(test_info)
34# def pytest_sessionfinish(self, session, exitstatus):
35# # Save information about failed tests to a JSON file
36# output_file = "failed_tests.json"
37# with open(output_file, "w") as f:
38# json.dump(self.failed_tests, f)
41# def pytest_configure(config):
42# config.pluginmanager.register(SaveFailedTestsPlugin(config), "save-failed-tests")
45# def pytest_runtest_teardown(item, next_item):
46# pdb.set_trace()
49def pytest_sessionstart(session):
50 session.results = dict()
53@pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True)
54def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
55 outcome = yield
56 result = outcome.get_result()
58 if result.when == 'call':
59 # check if its failure
60 if result.failed:
61 # add the result to the session
62 # pdb.set_trace()
63 # get the parameters
64 # params = item.funcargs
65 item.session.results[item] = item.funcargs['param']
66 # add marker to the test that filed
67 item.add_marker(pytest.mark.xxaymanxx)
68 # item.session.results[item] = result
70def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus):
71 print()
72 print('run status code:', exitstatus)
73 # passed_amount = sum(1 for result in session.results.values() if result.passed)
74 # failed_amount = sum(1 for result in session.results.values() if result.failed)
75 # print(f'there are {passed_amount} passed and {failed_amount} failed tests')
76 # pdb.set_trace()
77 for item in session.results:
78 print(f'Failed Tests: {}, with params: {session.results[item]}')